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Pleiadians in the Bible

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Pleiadians in the Bible?

Pleiadians in the Bible? Asherah and the Sky Armies | Documentary 2023 - Paul Wallis(

The Bible refers to Sirius as the ‘morning star’ or the ‘day star’. It’s found in the books of Job and the Psalms, which are some of the oldest texts in the Christian Bible.)

Why did John’s vision in Revelation describe the Son of Man having white hair and carrying a symbol of 7 stars?

Why did John’s vision in Revelation describe the Son of Man having white hair and carrying a symbol of 7 stars? Because the Son of Man are Pleiadians. Jesus was an incarnated Pleiadian Soul in a human body.

Revelation 1:9-20 John’s Vision of the Son of Man

What did Jesus say about people who fear UFOs in the last days? He called them UNREADY

What did Jesus say about people who fear UFOs in the last days? He called them UNREADY.

Message from #NEIOH ~ The Machine With A Dark Agenda

Message from #NEIOH ~ The Machine With A Dark Agenda

“We Are The Watchers. We Live And Walk Among You. We Are Bringers Of Peace And Carriers Of Light. You Will Not Be Destroyed By Darkness. We Are Assisting Now As Always. Motherships Surround The Planet And Nuclear War Will Never Be Allowed. But Free Will Abound On A Planet Of Duality. This Has Always Been The Method Of Living. But There Is A Tipping Point. There Is A Boundary That Will Implode Their Evil Plans, There Will Be A Boomerang Effect. There Will Be A Moment When Elder IKAI Nods And Looks Around As He Speaks, “Now”.”


YouTube Neioh: The Machine With A Dark Agenda (Family of Taygeta Podcast)

YouTube Family of Taygeta